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Connecting companies [ API ]
How will we benefit you? Connecting companies and systems is one of our absolute strengths. We program standardized API interfaces, which can communicate with almost any surrounding system. This can be a system like SAP®, Abacus, Microsoft Dynamics 365, or internal solution.
Efficient & fast
APIs handle the exchange of information within a few milliseconds. This does not only ensure that information is available in real-time, but also that errors caused by intermediaries are avoided. This creates new quality and efficiency in your processes and reduces workload.
Runs simply
Our customers sleep easy. Continuous monitoring of the various systems, as well as preventive protection measures and tests, ensure smooth and uninterrupted operation of the interfaces. No matter the layer, we take care of your environment. Be it on-premise or managed by us in the cloud.

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[API] Get an idea ...
Return Labels API Web service for automated generation of GAS labels. Seamless integration with various Sunrise systems makes interaction easy for human and machine.
API Automation Labeling
Here goes to the project
contoweb AG
Ruheberg 16
9327 Tübach

+41 71 511 22 75