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Return Labels API

Web service for automated generation of GAS labels. Smooth integration with various Sunrise systems makes interaction easy for both human and machine.

API Automation Labeling
Die Applikation «Return Labels» im Überblick.

Simple and fast

Instead of tediously requesting return labels from Sunrise, online generation for returns is available to every customer thanks to our Return Label API. Nearly 800 labels are generated on-demand every day.

Integrated everywhere

Thanks to standardized interfaces, the service is consumed not only via the Sunrise website, but also directly by various Sunrise systems. As a result, the process for GAS labelling ("business reply items") has been simplified and standardized. Further implementations are set up within minutes thanks to flexible configurations and APIs.

Die gedruckten GAS-Etiketten werden schlussendlich auf Pakete geklebt.

A return label in action

Big Wins

  • Standardization of GAS process
  • Simple use of the service for end customers
  • Standardized use of the service by various Sunrise systems
contoweb AG
Ruheberg 16
9327 Tübach

+41 71 511 22 75