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Call to Newsletter

Registration platform for subscribing to the SFS newsletter. Implemented in no time and easy to manage thanks to our event framework «NYTU».

CRM Clean up NYTU
Die Applikation «Call to Newsletter» im Überblick.

CRM cleanup

SFS Unimarket AG was looking for an uncomplicated solution to clean up CRM data. Participants should receive a discount code as a "little treat" for this. With our framework, everything from address master import to mailing could be realized within a few days.

Privacy first

The protection of personal data is important to us. Thanks to the location in Switzerland, consistent encryption, and the orientation towards DSGVO guidelines, this data is protected in the best possible way.

Clear and simple

With NYTU’s administration interface, SFS always has an overview of registrations, communications, and mutations. In addition, all settings can be managed by the customer.

Mit NYTU ist das Verwalten einfach gemacht.

With NYTU, administration is made easy. (Excerpt with sample data)

Big Wins

  • Registration platform set up in no time
  • Simple and intuitive platform
  • Direct exchange with CRM
contoweb AG
Ruheberg 16
9327 Tübach

+41 71 511 22 75