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Print Workflow

Workflow for validation and automated production control of versioned print data.

Process-Flow der Applikation «Print-Workflow»

Pre-flight in real time

The «Pingen» platform offers its customers a «Letter as a Service» solution for submitting print jobs online. The Pingen team worked with us to develop a print workflow so that the print data submitted can be automatically checked for printability and validity. The workflow checks the documents for image quality, fonts, formats and a number of other parameters.

Ready for mailing

In addition to the validation service, the print workflow processes the print data and prepares it for the print partner. The workflow generates all job data and controls the printing machines and logistical processes. When a customer triggers a job on the Pingen platform, the next manual interaction is the start button on the printing machine.

Big Wins

  • Automation of print data delivery
  • Automation of production steps
  • Monitoring of jobs from all systems involved
contoweb AG
Ruheberg 16
9327 Tübach

+41 71 511 22 75